Friday, January 11, 2013

Continued Gratefulness...

“A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.” 
-Ann Voskamp
Continued Gratefulness...
11.  Late night conversations with your best friend.
12.  Seeing something in your life be carried out to completion.
13.  Hazelnut iced coffee!
14.  Laughter and smiles from a 1 year old.
15.  Dream-filled sleeps--and then laughing about those dreams the next morning.
16.  Band-aids :)
17.  Episodes of Friends that make you laugh--no matter how many times you have watched it.

18.  New recipes that actually taste good!

19.  Seeing the sun try to peek out from behind the clouds when it has been hiding for days.

20.  Being humbly reminded that our words can either hurt or bring life. 

21.  Weekends.

22.  Good health for me and the people I love.

23.  HOPE.

24.  My puppy's excitement whenever I come home. 

25.  Unconditional Love.

Be blessed!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013: A Year of Gratefulness...

As 2012 came to an end, and a brand new year approached, I couldn't help but think of all that can happen in one single year.  2012 wasn't an easy one for me, there were many struggles and many heartaches, but despite all of that--God was faithful in every aspect of my life.  He was present every second of every day.  And He was, is, and always will be a beautiful, miracle-making, Father of comfort who holds me in His hands.

It is easy for me to look back, and to focus on all of the hard things.  To sit and ask why over and over again.  But I don't want to start a new year with that mindset.  I want to focus on the good.  The amazing things that God has done and is going to do.  The beauty that emerges from the hurt. 

I have had many wise people in my life who have chosen gratitude--to be thankful for even the smallest things--and I have seen how God has changed them through having that "attitude of gratitude."  And I despartely want that.  I don't want to be focused on what God hasn't given me or hasn't done--but the wonderful things He has done.

So, this year, 2013, I am devoting myself to an attitude of thankfulness.    I am praying that I will have strength to take my thoughts captive--and turn then into gratefulness.  I will be sharing all of the things I am thankful for, my blessings, big and small.  And praying for a heart change that only He can do :)

I am grateful for...

1.  Warm weather in the middle of Winter.

2.  Freshly washed sheets.

3.  Motivation for change.

4.  A husband who works hard every single day.

5.  Snuggles with my puppy dog.

6.  The last chocolate chip cookie :)

7.  The intense craving for closeness with Jesus. 

8.  My girlfriends who live out Christ to everyone around them and challenge me to seek Jesus.

9.  Laughing with my husband.

10.  My miracle nephews, Isaak and Jude, and my sweet niece, Taylor.

That's all for now :) 

Be blessed and love hard.