We have all had them. I can look back and remember specific times where the Lord moved in my life. Just like that, everything changed. Those single moments in time made all of the difference in the world. It only takes a moment.
There was the moment I gave my heart to Jesus. I was only a few days shy of seven years old. But I remember it like it was yesterday.
There was the moment I was prayed over by a youth minister who knew as much as I did that I was called to do something bigger than myself. A moment where I did not know the logistics of what God had for me but that my life was meant for ministering to others. That my sensitive heart was made for loving.
There was the moment I stood in front of friends and family, vowing before God to love my husband, to follow him, and to stick by his side through the hardest and best of times. In that moment, I understood God's intense love for me.
There was that moment that confusion set in, and as I cried, God simply held me. I felt His presence, and without me uttering a single word, He knew my heart.
And then there was the moment where I ran to His alter, and I wept. Uncontrollably. And although the mascara ran down my face, it was beautiful. The Spirit of God washed over me like I have never in my life experienced, and I knew in that moment that things were changing. That the chains were breaking, and that it was time to lay it down. To lay down the hurt, to lay down the expectations, to lay down the guilt, and to let myself fall into His arms.
It's those moments that shape us, and change us. And as we reflect on them, we are reminded of how powerful and majestic and beautiful the love of our Savior is. When you are feeling like God isn't there or things are just too hard, just remember that it only takes a single moment for God to step in, and completely rock your world.
Beautifully said! And so true!