Things in the Raney household have been CRAZY. BUSY. as of late. Lots of working for both Hubby and me. But still wonderful, nonetheless.
These past few months, as busy as they have been, have been a breath of fresh air. A shift in thinking can make all the difference in the world. I have been making a conscious effort to be present, not wishing away this season of life (as I wrote about in my last blog...). To look for the good in everything (my ZTA creed just came rushing back to me...haha). But really, there is GOOD in everything if we look hard enough. And making an effort to really, REALLY be thankful. Because in reality, I am so rich. I have an amazing husband, a job I absolutely adore, friends that make life more beautiful, and a family that I would not trade for anything. And ultimately, I have Jesus. Who loves me. Crazy, dysfunctional, ME. Sometimes you have to take a minute to just let that sink in.
Once I shifted my thinking from:
everything is horrible
nothing is ever going to change
I am miserable
why are things so hard?
I am an awful person
God has it.
He has my life.
He promises to not harm me, but give me hope and a future.
I have hope.
Look what He has done.
LOOK WHAT HE HAS's enough!
I am blessed.
He knows my heart.
I believe in His promises for my life, and I will cling to them with all my might.
When I shifted my thinking...EVERYTHING CHANGED.
The joy I thought I had lost forever--was returned to me. The anxious heart and physical anxiety I was experiencing--subsided. The hopelessness was replaced with hope and security. The fear of the future...all the why's...suddenly were answered with God is in control.
Everything is not perfect...far from it.
All of my prayers have not been answered...
But that's ok.
I wasted three years of my life struggling to understand. Struggling to have joy. And struggling to even truly believe, if I am being completely honest. Don't be like me. Life is too short to live that way. And maybe the truth is, I never really trusted God with my entire life. With every single piece of it. I was struggling to give over bits and pieces, holding on to them as if me being in control would EVER work. No more of that.
So, as a new year approaches us so quickly--choose to be present, not wishing away your life. Or always wishing things were different. God has you where you are for a reason. Instead of being sad, or mad, or confused about it--try looking for the beauty in it. Because it is there shining in even the darkest of places.
Be blessed, friends!