Thursday, November 15, 2012

Draw Near...

"Come near to God and He will come near to you..."  James 4:8

 I heard this verse this morning as I was driving, and I couldn't help but think how comforting those simple words are. I couldn't help but think of all of the times I have run into the open arms of the Father.  How I have fallen at His feet broken to a million pieces.  How I have collapsed before Him from the exhaustion of attempting to carry life's burdens all by myself.  How He has always been there.

It's beautiful, really. 

In those moments that I cling to my Father, humbled and broken, thankful and gracious, I feel more love than I can even fathom. 

But sometimes I find myself feeling a million miles away from God.  I know He is there, but I just don't feel Him.  I don't see Him. And most of the time, it's my own choice, my fault. I am not doing my part of drawing near to Him. My mind and heart are not focused on Christ. Maybe instead I am drawing near to fleeting things that will never fill my heart like He does.  Maybe I am putting my faith in things other than Him.  Maybe I am listening to the "father of lies" whispering in my ear that I am unworthy of the love of Christ...

"...let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith..." Hebrews 10:22
This is my prayer--that I will always long for God and draw near to Him with nothing but a sincere, pure heart and with an unshakeable faith in His ability to be all things to me at all times.  That I will accept His love--knowing that I am and forever will be His beloved daughter.  A princess of the Most High.  That I will find His beauty even in the darkest times, and rejoice in it. 
God wants intimacy with His children.  In that relationship comes ultimate joy and satisfaction.  I am finding that the quiet moments I spend with God relishing in His word or having a conversation with Him, whether it be a pleading of the heart or a simple prayer of thanks, have become the most special times of my day.  I am excited about what He is doing in my life, and excited about how He will use me.
My hope is that as you pursue Christ with a sincere heart, that you will know the amazing, filling, tender love of God!
Be Blessed!

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