This post may be a bit sappy.
Sorry {but not really}.
This morning, I was sitting on my couch, sipping coffee and having a conversation with Jesus. It felt amazing to be in His presence. I started praying for my sweet friends, and I got a bit choked up. Ok, a lot choked up. And an overwhelming sense of thankfulness flooded my heart.
You see, I have the greatest friends in the world. Really, I do. I have done nothing to deserve such great people in my life, but I am so thankful God decided to cross our paths.
I had a conversation with my wise sis-in-law,
Christy, not too long ago, and she reminded me of this story. Such a beautiful portrait of what friendship is...
"And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But
Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him,
and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on
the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady
until the going down of the sun."
Exodus 17:11-12
I can say that my friends are very much like Aaron and Hur. When I felt like I couldn't hold my arms up any longer, that I was just too weak, those very friends swooped in and held my arms up for me. They were my support. They were able to be strong for me when I just couldn't be. Isn't that how friendship should be?
So, this post is an ode to friendship.
God gave me the greatest friends in college--Katie and Merry. I prayed for them before I ever knew them--and God went beyond my expectations when He blessed my life with their friendship. They have seen the good in me, and the not so good, and have loved me unconditionally. They have inspired me, and kept me accountable. Their lives and stories are a constant encouragement to me--the way they seek Jesus is just beautiful. No matter the distance between us (and that distant is about to get exponentially larger!!), we will always be a part of each others lives. I praise God for them :)
Then there is my sweet circle of girlfriends I have here in Pensacola. I don't even know what to say about these women. All I know is that God knew I needed them. I have never doubted that God brought us back to live in this area for a reason--and I truly believe that one of those reasons was so that I could be a part of a family of sisters who truly seek Jesus. These women are real, and they have allowed me to be real and honest. They have allowed me to let my guard down. I can't even express in words how much these ladies mean to me. I have never felt more loved by a group of girls. They are truly my spiritual sisters. And when these girls say they are praying for you, they mean it! It is amazing to see how God placed us all together--how we have had different situations, but very similar journeys. How we have been able to encourage one another, cry with one another, and definitely laugh with one another! So, to you girls (and you know who you are)--I love you. I am thankful for each of you. So very thankful.
And lastly, there is my sister. My one and only little sis. Over the years, I have seen our relationship blossom into a beautiful friendship. We are as different as can be, but I think that is why we get along so well! I love that we will always have a connection, as sisters, that I can never have with anyone else. My sis is getting married soon, and I feel so incredibly honored that I get to stand beside her on that day. She is beautiful, inside and out. Love you, sissy.
Take some time today to love on your friends. They say that good friends are hard to come by :) so hold on to your friendships with all you have and be intentional! I will end with this sweet little quote from the very wise Winnie the Pooh:
"No one can see the seeds of friendship, but they grow in to something beautiful."
Be blessed!