Friday, November 30, 2012


"Forget the former things; do no dwell in the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
-Isaiah 43:19
This verse.  Oh, this verse!  Hope wrapped up in a few small sentences.  I have been reflecting on this verse a lot lately.  Reading it over and over.  Speaking it over and over.  This week has been one of those weeks. One of those weeks where my heart is aching a bit.  One of those weeks where I battle my thoughts that seem stuck in the past. 

See, I feel like I have been stuck in the desert, in the wasteland, for what seems like forever.  It isn't always the easiest place to be.  But there is purpose in the desert moments in life.  I know that.  And I have seen that. 

God tells me not to dwell on the past.  Not to dwell on the moments when my heart was broken.  Not to dwell on losing a dream.  Not to dwell on hurtful words and actions.  The word dwell in the dictionary means To live as a resident; reside; To exist in a given place or state.

To live.  I don't want to live in those moments that are gone and done.  I want to instead dwell on the lessons learned from those moments.  I want to dwell on the goodness, grace, and abundant love that God showed me in those moments. 

And when I feel stuck in the "desert,"  God tells me that He is making a way!!!  I may not see it now, but He is working behind the scenes to carry out His will for my life.  He is laying out the blueprint to a beautiful story. 

I feel like God is doing a new thing in my life.  I am at a place where I have had to surrender my dreams over to Him and trust that He is able.  To trust that He is good. To trust in His timing.  And to trust that He loves me more than I can fathom.  He knows my desires.  He gave them to me.

Never forget that when you feel like all you can see around you is desert place, that God is there.  And He is planning something amazing for you.  Keep hoping.  Keep praising Him.

Be blessed!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Draw Near...

"Come near to God and He will come near to you..."  James 4:8

 I heard this verse this morning as I was driving, and I couldn't help but think how comforting those simple words are. I couldn't help but think of all of the times I have run into the open arms of the Father.  How I have fallen at His feet broken to a million pieces.  How I have collapsed before Him from the exhaustion of attempting to carry life's burdens all by myself.  How He has always been there.

It's beautiful, really. 

In those moments that I cling to my Father, humbled and broken, thankful and gracious, I feel more love than I can even fathom. 

But sometimes I find myself feeling a million miles away from God.  I know He is there, but I just don't feel Him.  I don't see Him. And most of the time, it's my own choice, my fault. I am not doing my part of drawing near to Him. My mind and heart are not focused on Christ. Maybe instead I am drawing near to fleeting things that will never fill my heart like He does.  Maybe I am putting my faith in things other than Him.  Maybe I am listening to the "father of lies" whispering in my ear that I am unworthy of the love of Christ...

"...let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith..." Hebrews 10:22
This is my prayer--that I will always long for God and draw near to Him with nothing but a sincere, pure heart and with an unshakeable faith in His ability to be all things to me at all times.  That I will accept His love--knowing that I am and forever will be His beloved daughter.  A princess of the Most High.  That I will find His beauty even in the darkest times, and rejoice in it. 
God wants intimacy with His children.  In that relationship comes ultimate joy and satisfaction.  I am finding that the quiet moments I spend with God relishing in His word or having a conversation with Him, whether it be a pleading of the heart or a simple prayer of thanks, have become the most special times of my day.  I am excited about what He is doing in my life, and excited about how He will use me.
My hope is that as you pursue Christ with a sincere heart, that you will know the amazing, filling, tender love of God!
Be Blessed!