Saturday, July 28, 2012

Unhindered Joy...

"Joy is untouched by circumstance." -- Unknown

God has given us a spirit of joy.  It fills our hearts and souls.  It fills our lives.  There is no denying that we are called to live joy-filled lives.

I have always been a joyful, "cup half-full" kind of girl.  But when the realness and struggles of life start to creep in, I have felt that joy being stripped away.  More often than not, I have allowed hurt and bitterness to overtake the joy that I had. Instead of joy overflowing out of my life, bitterness and hurt overflowed. And as a result, it effected every other part of my life.  My relationships, my self-confidence, my faith.  And really the list wouldn't stop there. 

How often do we let other feelings like bitterness, or anger, or fear jump into our lives, pushing out the joy residing in our hearts? 

God has been showing me that this happens only when we allow it to. Ouch.

We all, at some point or another, have felt feelings of hurt, fear, anxiousness, etc.--but if we choose joy, those feelings quickly diminish.  When we focus on where our joy comes from, a God who created us and loves us despite our filthiness, then it is much easier to embrace joy.  I have seen it happen in my own life. 

All that being said, I thought I would share some of the things that bring me joy in life...the big and the small...

*Christ's sacrifice

*God's unwavering love for me

*The faith of children

*An amazing sunset

*Friendships that you know are God-ordained

*A nice, cold Diet Coke (hey, I said big things and small things)

*Snuggling with my puppy

*Pouring my heart out to God and knowing that He cares, even when it feels no one else does

*Sweet, innocent babies :)

*Hanging out with my nephew and niece

*Seeing a prayer answered

*Seeing the people I love happy

I could go on and on because, despite those things in my life that seem "bad,"  the things that bring me joy far outnumber them.

So, for today, I am choosing to have unhindered, unshaken joy. 

Be blessed!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Hey, Friends!

If you keep up with my blog, you know that a few weeks ago, I had one of those life altering, Jesus encounters.  A moment when, for me, everything changed.  I have felt so much release and peace since that moment, and God has been giving me glimpses of who He truly is.  I feel so much joy.  More than I have felt in a really long time.

That being said, I have been praying for revelation from God.  That He would show me who He is.  That He would tear down all the walls around my heart (and brain, for that matter) and that I would begin to experience ALL of who He is.  That I would have faith that He is who He says He is.  That I would believe.

I can't speak for anyone else out there, but sometimes, I have a hard time truly believing.  Belief in the unseen can sometimes be difficult for our little finite brains to wrap around.  I have never had a problem believing in God, that He sent His son Jesus, that through Christ, I am saved.  I have no problem believing that Jesus is coming back one day, and that I will spend eternity with Him.  I have a hard time believing in the everyday things--Can I believe Him when He says He LOVES me, just a girl who can't seem to get it together?  Can I believe Him when He says that even though things seem impossible to me, that with Him all things are possible?  Can I believe He has the ability to heal the sick, just like that?  Can I believe that He knows the desires of my heart, and wants good for me?

Those are the hard things for me.  Seems ridiculous, right? 

For the last week, through conversations and scripture, God has been urging me to truly, 100%, wholeheartedly believe.  To release those doubts to Him.  And to not just believe for small things--but to start believing for incredible, earthshaking, unbelievable things.

I actually shared this verse on Facebook when I came across it, but will share it here as well.

"Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe if you were told."                                             Habakkuk 1:5

God tells us right there that He is going to do something so incredible that it would be hard for us to believe.  How encouraging is that?? 

I am believing that God is going to continue to do incredible things in my life.  And I am believing that God will do something incredible in your lives as well. 

Be blessed!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A List of Thoughts...

One thing I like is a good list.  Today is definitely a list kind of day for me.  How do I know?  I have two million thoughts running through my head, and it would be impossible to form any kind of uniformity between all of these thoughts.  Hence, the list.  Here goes...

- My days are a million times better when I start them hanging out with Jesus.  I mean, I think that spending time with Jesus is an important part of any day, whether first thing, on your lunch break, or at night when you settle down for the day.  But for me, I am definitely sure that my morning needs to start with Jesus.  The last couple of days I have laid in bed with my cup of coffee, read the word, and had some seriously good convo with the Lord.  And it has  brought so much joy to the rest of my day.

Psalms 5:3In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

- Working out, in some form or fashion, every day, is an amazing mood booster :)  I honestly feel better about myself and my day when I do some kind of physical exercise.  It jumpstarts my day, and I feel a million times more productive.  I recently started a new workout program called (don't laugh) Rockin' Body.  It was created by the same guy who started Insanity (which I am not insane enough to try).  I have actually really enjoyed it so far--it's mostly dancing...brings me back to my cheerleading days :)  It's a 4-week I am going to try to be diligent in finishing it!

- When you pray for the Lord to show you something awesome in Scripture...He will be faithful in doing so.  Happened to me this morning.  It was the smallest thing, but had a huge impact on my heart and gave me an overall feeling of peace.

- I love being a stay at home wife :)  Some (or several) people may look down upon that, but there is nothing I love more than being able to serve my husband by cleaning and cooking, and just being here for him for whatever he needs.  For a while, I have worried that people would think "bad things" about me, but I really don't care anymore.  I'm at peace with where God has me right now, in this moment.  And if He decides that needs to change, I will follow whatever His plan may be. 

- My sweet puppy is like the light of my life :)  She is crazy, and energetic, but is the greatest little (or huge, I should say) companion.  She's my buddy.

I guess that is all for now...

Be blessed!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Heart Change

About a month ago, I blogged about how I was going to take somewhat of a 30 day challenge--something private and personal--and even though it definitely was a challenge (in more ways than you know) it actually turned in to quite a heart changing journey for me.

I know I said I would tell everyone what my challenge was, but after some thoughtful consideration, I decided that I didn't need to share all the details, but rather the outcome. 

I can say that without a doubt, God has been wrecking me.  I can't even really explain it.  And although my journey was about seeking change in a sitution--the real change needed to happen in me.  I have struggled with who I am for a long time...and I am finally realizing that my mentality about who God is and who I am in Him has been misconstrued.

It is honestly pretty hard for me to even share this.  To be brutally honest about it.  I am not entirely sure I even want to, but I know it is important for me to share this because it may be a part of the healing process and it may help someone else in some small way.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been somewhat of a "goody-too-shoes"...I have had clear visions of what I saw as right and wrong--not necessarily what Scripture claims to be right and wrong.  Where these ideas came from...who knows... maybe from church, maybe from adults in my life, maybe from going to a Christian college.  But there is a good chance that maybe my own little brain produced them with no rhyme or reason.  I have never liked to disappoint anyone.  I have lived my life wanting to do everything perfectly--to be the perfect daughter, to be the perfect friend, to be the perfect wife, and most importantly, to be the perfect Christian.  The fact that someone could be disappointed or upset with me would absolutely be the end of the world for me.

I totally believe in trying to be our best.  But my problem is that I have tried to be something I can never be, and in doing that, I was constantly letting myself down.  I have honestly lost all sense of self-confidence because I never feel good enough.  I have set such high expectations for myself, that there is no way I could ever meet them.  I have lost sight of the fact that God thinks I am beautiful no matter what I do or don't matter how many times I mess up.  I have literally worn myself out trying to be something I can never be. I have played the comparison game far too many times, and always end up beating myself up.  I have somehow started to believe that if I am not this "perfect" person, that God is somehow going to love me less. 

That is a hard thing to realize.  And kind of embarassing.  And kind of scary.  I know in my head, that God loves me.  Period.  I know that my parents love.  Period.  I know that my husband loves me.  Period.  But somehow in my heart, that is hard for me to believe that they would love matter what!

The point to this post is that sometimes I think that I have no idea who God really is.  My prayer is that He will sweep all of the misconceptions of who He is and who I am out of my mind.  That my thoughts would be like a clear tablet--and that He would begin to reveal to  me who He really is.  That I will begin to find peace in that.  That I would truly be able to find peace with who I am and who He created me to be.

Sorry this is so lengthy...I hope it makes sense.  Life is definitely a journey, isn't it?

Be blessed!